Subnautica disable gun before sunbeam. CremePuffBandit • 3 yr. Subnautica disable gun before sunbeam

 CremePuffBandit • 3 yrSubnautica disable gun before sunbeam <b></b>

The message the devs want to get across is, I believe: Everybody dies. After your ship, the Aurora, crash lands on the planet you’ll find yourself stranded on an ocean world with only a small lifepod. WTF?i think it should turn out that the pilot was increadbly bad at landing and crashes the ship anyways then the shipwreak chould be looted for rare itemsThe gun goes from the disabled position, to the unready to fire, then the particle effect plays, destroying the sunbeam, despite being disabled Reply kaghy2 Always comforted me on Planet 4546B •So, I got cured, deactivated the gun, when help finally came from sunbeam, it still fired on them. It is fully possible to disable the gun in the time it takes for the sunbeam to spawn in, granted it is heavily based on dumb luck and random generation being on your. Do not read any radio messages. According to the Wiki: However, if the player manages to disable the Quarantine Enforcement Platform before the Sunbeam arrives, Avery Quinn will inform them that they cannot attempt a landing due to large amounts of debris orbiting the planet. The activation of the Sunbeam event is through the communicator. 14. ImHelping Feb 22, 2018 @ 8:51pm. hey guys so i was just thinking, has anyone tried to get cured and disable the big gun on enofrcement platform before recieving the sunbeam call? im in the process of this atm, saving my game before answering the radio every time, so i dont get visited by sunnbeam by surprise. Can you turn off the gun before Sunbeam arrives? 1 Answer. The sounds of the gun deploying were audible, but the gun remained unmoved right until the shot was fired. hey guys so i was just thinking, has anyone tried to get cured and disable the big gun on enofrcement platform before recieving the sunbeam call? im in the process of this atm, saving my game before answering the radio every time, so i dont get visited by sunnbeam by surprise. ;) i wonder how the game is going to handle the sunbeam not being. . Did a quick search on the forums, but there was no mention of it. So, I got cured, deactivated the gun, when help finally came from sunbeam, it still fired on them. That solves the problem without making too much extra work. ImSexyAndiNOED. The Sunbeam is a passing cargo ship captained by Avery Quinn that picked up the distress signal sent by the Aurora. This thread is archived New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be castAnswer (1 of 2): Yes, it is possible. i know it doesn't matter if i disable the gun, i read that the ship won't come over "too much orbital debris" but i was wondering if its worth me trying to get it in time (my timer has started which i didn't know it would or even know about) i got like 40mins to get to the "Primary Containment Facility" i did it earlier but me being an idiot i left my purples tablets so i. I think there should be a different animation for the sunbeam sequence after the gun is disabled, and the sunbeam lands. I did disable the gun before the Sunbeam sequence. Whot if can be some sort of secret ending,example you must accomplished all game achivements and after that you have CHANCE disable gun. Your efforts accomplish nothing. . Turn the gun off > gun fires. On my previous game I got a message from Sunbeam with the landing location, went to that island, saw the Sunbeam blow up, explored the Alien base, got some clue about being contaminated and no one is allowed to enter or leave the island. ECF-Volgrim • 3 yr. Those cheats being: nocost and invisible (no aggression). By now, there may be in your backlog of radio messages, a "Oh by the way. Premium Powerups Explore Gaming. This will postpone the arrival of the Sunbeam until you are ready. It will still get shoot down because the game doesn't have an animation for it landing safely. You did nothing wrong, the thing I mentioned is more of a speedrunner result. i know it doesn't matter if i disable the gun, i read that the ship won't come over "too much orbital debris" but i was wondering if its worth me trying to get it in time (my timer has started which i didn't know it would or even know about) i got like 40mins to get to the "Primary Containment Facility" i did it earlier but me being an idiot i left my purples tablets so i. If you were to avoid answering the Sunbeam's third transmission such that it never arrives at the QEP, could you cure yourself and disable the platform, then get the sunbeam to arrive? Has anyone tried this? Creative mode might make it easier, but. I think there should be a different animation for the sunbeam sequence after the gun is disabled, and the sunbeam lands. This is what happens when you disable the cannon before the Sunbeam arrives at Planet 4546B. That solves the problem without making. That's if you. If it is meant for "Realism", if they manage to disable the gun before the sunbeam lands. i think it should turn out that the pilot was increadbly bad at landing and crashes the ship anyways then the shipwreak chould be looted for rare itemsDo I have to be at the location of the sunbeam arrival location or can I just go do other things. The only ways to save the Sunbeam is a speedrun or ignoring the radio. i know it doesn't matter if i disable the gun, i read that the ship won't come over "too much orbital debris" but i was wondering if its worth me trying to get it in time (my timer has started which i didn't know it would or even know about) i got like 40mins to get to the "Primary Containment Facility" i did it earlier but me being an idiot i left my purples tablets so i. It is significantly smaller than the Aurora, with a crew of only six people. Some everything I’ve seen/experienced there is no way to achieve all of this before Sunbeam’s arrival without the use of some cheats. So, I got cured, deactivated the gun, when help finally came from sunbeam, it still fired on them. We don’t want to spend years more working on Subnautica before v1. You do the whole game, before sunbeam arrives. In summary : Repair radio, get sunbeam rescue message, cure disease, shut down gun (basically rush the game) --> sunbeam arrives and says "Hai! Landing iz not possible, be back later, kthxbye!" Don't repair radio, shut down gun, repair radio --> sunbeam gets shot down by inactive gun. But if it is possible: What happens if you speedrun the game,. The Sunbeam is a passing cargo ship captained by Avery Quinn that picked up the distress signal sent by the Aurora. edit: Providing of course you are able to (cheats or not) disable the gun before the sunbeam arrives. it'd be a hell of a run. Aug 23, 2017 @ 5:00pm so if the player disables the gun before the sunbeam arives (please read fully before comenting). Share. spawn — If you're stuck, just type this to respawn nearby. It is fully possible to disable the gun in the time it takes for the sunbeam to spawn in, granted it is heavily based on dumb luck and random generation being on your. It is described in the Degasi PDAs as "part of the ecosystem", with further statements that the Degasi survivors were infected at some point - as stated by Bart Torgal while discussing the flu-like. once the full game is out, im curious if one could speed run shut down everything before sunbeam shows up. IIRC the developers actually added a non-canon ending for the sunbeam where they say they can't make it through the atmosphere, as the debris from the aurora is blocking the planets orbit. What happens if you turn off the gun before Sunbeam arrives? However, if the player manages to disable the Quarantine Enforcement Platform before the Sunbeam arrives, Avery Quinn will inform them that they cannot attempt a landing due to large amounts of debris orbiting the planet . Kaikki Keskustelut Kuvakaappaukset Taideteokset Suoratoistot Videot Uutiset Oppaat Arvioinnit. Do I need to be here to witness somethning or I can just go do other things that I. Or, change the triggers up so it is impossible to disable the gun before the sunbeam arrives. WTF?i think it should turn out that the pilot was increadbly bad at landing and crashes the ship anyways then the shipwreak chould be looted for rare itemsThe Antidote is an item that can be used to cure Kharaa. Waited 40 minutes, the gun reactivated and moved (though still looks turned off and it shoots out the side of its barrel), shot down an invisible Sunbeam (though the. Short version: nothing changes, the sunbeam still gets shot. So you can disable everything then activate the radio. hey guys so i was just thinking, has anyone tried to get cured and disable the big gun on enofrcement platform before recieving the sunbeam call? im in the process of this atm, saving my game before answering the radio every time, so i dont get visited by sunnbeam by surprise. subnautica - pure enzyme 42 used to cure carar, can we disable the gun and save the sunbeam now?😃 𝗦𝗨𝗕𝗦𝗖𝗥𝗜𝗕𝗘. Go ahead, you're allowed to use it. But it is of no matter. Canonically Sunbeam dies, though. hey guys so i was just thinking, has anyone tried to get cured and disable the big gun on enofrcement platform before recieving the sunbeam call? im in the process of this atm, saving my game before answering the radio every time, so i dont get visited by sunnbeam by surprise. 0 coins. WTF?i think it should turn out that the pilot was increadbly bad at landing and crashes the ship anyways then the shipwreak chould be looted for rare itemsI (along with many, I'd imagine) have found that if you don't answer the comm relay, the story won't progress. use; goto prison' cmmand to get to the final facility. The Neptune Launch Platform can be built using the Mobile Vehicle Bay, while the other four. level 1. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos News Guides Reviews. As of now, the gun will still fire and destroy the sunbeam. You could technically never repair the radio, meaning the sunbeam never comes. So, I got cured, deactivated the gun, when help finally came from sunbeam, it still fired on them. axelfirekirby. It consists of five constructable parts: the Neptune Launch Platform, the Neptune Gantry, Neptune Ion Boosters, Neptune Fuel Reserve, and Neptune Cockpit. In-game press "F6" several times to toggle HUD and helmet onI think there should be a different animation for the sunbeam sequence after the gun is disabled, and the sunbeam lands. The player will start receiving transmissions. I disabled the gun before it arrived, but it still shot down the sunbeam even though the gun was disabled. but once you can you will have to build your own transportation off the planet. LOL. "Aurora survivors, this is trading ship Sunbeam. Ryley does not. This command will enable or disable (toggle) the AI of the Shoal of Fish. Sky_The_Fox wrote: ». Glad i completed this game before giving a look at this forums. There's a new SUNBEAM transmission when you disable the Precursor Gun before it arrives in Subnautica! :DMy discord bot my discor. This command will enable or disable (toggle) the AI of the Shoal of Fish. It acted like it wasn't disabled at all. As for the cause, you are probably correct. Those cheats being: nocost and invisible (no aggression). If you disable everything before they arrive, they will tell you that they can't land because there's a massive debris field in orbit. i think it should turn out that the pilot was increadbly bad at landing and crashes the ship anyways then the shipwreak chould be looted for rare itemsI (along with many, I'd imagine) have found that if you don't answer the comm relay, the story won't progress. I think there should be a different animation for the sunbeam sequence after the gun is disabled, and the sunbeam lands. oh did i also mention they were called the sunbeam because all of their crew members were blinded by the sun and not noticed the giant ground to air. Cleveland described the game as "one vote towards a world with less guns", encouraging players to think about "non-violent and more creative solutions to solve our. 4. t disable the gun. I think there should be a different animation for the sunbeam sequence after the gun is disabled, and the sunbeam lands. If the player attempts to disable the facility before. So you can learn of the defenses of the planet in a natural way before Sunbeam arrives, just not with enough time to find a cure and complete the disarmament. ago. #6. hey guys so i was just thinking, has anyone tried to get cured and disable the big gun on enofrcement platform before recieving the sunbeam call? im in the process of this atm, saving my game before answering the radio every time, so i dont get visited by sunnbeam by surprise. I've disabled the big gun before sunbeam arrived and it still got shot down, so dissapointing. Bring 2 blu keys to get in. Sports. There is already an audio scenario which happens if you disable the gun before the Sunbeam arrives. i know it doesn't matter if i disable the gun, i read that the ship won't come over "too much orbital debris" but i was wondering if its worth me trying to get it in time (my timer has started which i didn't know it would or even know about) i got like 40mins to get to the "Primary Containment Facility" i did it earlier but me being an idiot i left my purples tablets so i. The Sunbeam calls you and reports that they can't find a way through the debris field around the planet. No, there is no official Subnautica multiplayer. Subnautica. I know devs dont want make Sunbeam survive,but i want have chance. biome: biome [biome name]If you cure yourself of the virus and disable gun island before listeneing to Sunbeam's radio transmission, you can save sunbream from destruction. I've seen some people say they weren't able to get that to trigger, but that's what is supposed to happen. I think there should be a different animation for the sunbeam sequence after the gun is disabled, and the sunbeam lands. I (along with many, I'd imagine) have found that if you don't answer the comm relay, the story won't progress. Basically, the gun still shoots them down regardless. How ever, still need to wait for full lunch of the game for it to effect. . Well there’s a myth (i think) that theres a secret voice message if you disable the gun before sunbeam came and I wanted to experience this first…It gets it's power from the thermal station in the inactive lava zone, It shot down the Degasi, Aurora, and Sunbeam. So, I got cured, deactivated the gun, when help finally came from sunbeam, it still fired on them. Repair radio, get sunbeam rescue message, don't shut down gun --> sunbeam dead Repair radio, get sunbeam rescue message, cure disease, shut down gun (basically rush the game) --> sunbeam arrives and says "Hai! Landing iz not possible, be back later, kthxbye!" Don't repair radio, shut down gun, repair radio --> sunbeam gets shot down by. converter-bot • 2 yr. Once the timer hits zero, and the sunbeam comes and is getting ready to land the gun will fire even if disabled. i know it doesn't matter if i disable the gun, i read that the ship won't come over "too much orbital debris" but i was wondering if its worth me trying to get it in time (my timer has started which i didn't know it would or even know about) i got like 40mins to get to the "Primary Containment Facility" i did it earlier but me being an idiot i left my purples tablets so i. I disabled the gun before it arrived, but it still shot down the sunbeam even though the gun was disabled. once they implement the full features of the story there probably is no way to save the sunbeam because based on how quick they come in that time u will get a seamoth at best if ur new to the game. . After answering the radio several times, the Sunbeam still arrived unchanged. . They just turn away, saying something about not being able to land in the debris field. This will disable the gun. Subnautica - Fly Well! - NEW Updated Gun Disable Dialogue, Sunbeam Ending Changes & More! - Gameplay😃 𝗦𝗨𝗕𝗦𝗖𝗥𝗜𝗕𝗘. Don't disable gun and follow full Sunbeam storyline but miss the time limit = Sunbeam goes boom. Before answering any radiocall. There might also be an alternate ending that you find the cure before the sunbeam arrives and are able to. And the sunbeam can rescue you. I'm cured by a cheat, and I wanted to see what happens if you cure yourself before Sunbeam or whatever the space ship is that comes and ends up getting blown up by the gun. 3. i will be showing you how to get there :). I wonder if you can just avoid triggering the Sunbeam's countdown and disable to gun before hand. Look for vehicle fragments. ” Is Subnautica a VR?Just so I don't waste my time lol. These are the events as they currently are: #1. It is fully possible to disable the gun in the time it takes for the sunbeam to spawn in, granted it is heavily based on dumb luck and random generation being on your side, but it is possible. This is a salt pit, deleting most of it. i know it doesn't matter if i disable the gun, i read that the ship won't come over "too much orbital debris" but i was wondering if its worth me trying to get it in time (my timer has started which i didn't know it would or even know about) i got like 40mins to get to the "Primary Containment Facility" i did it earlier but me being an idiot i left my purples tablets so i. vsync: vsync: This command enables or disables (toggles) VSync (a graphics setting which syncs your FPS to the refresh rate of your monitor). It can be found in a Spy Pengling cave in the Glacial Basin, where it was hidden by Sam Ayou. As of now, the gun will still fire and destroy the sunbeam. Is there a way to disable the facility (gun). I (along with many, I'd imagine) have found that if you don't answer the comm relay, the story won't progress. There is already an audio scenario which happens if you disable the gun before the Sunbeam arrives. What’s stopping you from saving the Sunbeam? Can you just deactivate the weapon before you click the message? Advertisement Coins. It is fully possible to disable the gun in the time it takes for the sunbeam to spawn in, granted it is heavily based on dumb luck and random generation being on your. SomeKindaSpy. WTF?The Neptune Escape Rocket is a vehicle that is used to leave Planet 4546B and beat the game. I already finished the Neptune rocket, and would really like to be able to continue. i think it should turn out that the pilot was increadbly bad at landing and crashes the ship anyways then the shipwreak chould be looted for rare itemsSo, I got cured, deactivated the gun, when help finally came from sunbeam, it still fired on them. In order to disable the gun, you have to find the cure and turn off the gun. biome: biome [biome name]r/subnautica • So I tried to summon the Sea Crown and the Blood Oil seeds from the first game in Below Zero to decorate my alien containment, the Sea Crown was fine, but then I accidentally summoned the whole Blood Tree and saved the. This, in turn, generally means not checking your radio messages until you're cured or about to be cured, and. Despite the Sunbeam and its crew surviving, their attempt to rescue the. People failed to realize, not only is it entirely possible to disable the gun before the Sunbeam arrives, it's not even that far from the main story path. WTF?i know it doesn't matter if i disable the gun, i read that the ship won't come over "too much orbital debris" but i was wondering if its worth me trying to get it in time (my timer has started which i didn't know it would or even know about) i got like 40mins to get to the "Primary Containment Facility" i did it earlier but me being an idiot i left my purples tablets so i. ;) i wonder how the game is going to handle the sunbeam not being. . i know it doesn't matter if i disable the gun, i read that the ship won't come over "too much orbital debris" but i was wondering if its worth me trying to get it in time (my timer has started which i didn't know it would or even know about) i got like 40mins to get to the "Primary Containment Facility" i did it earlier but me being an idiot i left my purples tablets so i. But it is new to players that don't check the Sunbeam page of the Subnautica wiki or other sources to confirm that you can save the Sunbeam. The Sunbeam vessel appears to be of Alterra design, though is owned by a small trans-gov based in the Andromeda galaxy. I recorded this video myself, because I couldn't find a video of someone doing this in the fully. Ah but that would have prevented me from having the experience I just had where I was frantically exploring the gun facility for the first time with 5 minutes left on my rendez-vous countdown, only to realize it was a weapon and start shouting "oh ♥♥♥♥, oh ♥♥♥♥, I gotta warn the Sunbeam!"What happens if you disable the cannon before the sunbeam arrivesTotal Subscribers: 17#shorts #subnautica #subnauticabelowzeroDeactivating the cannon deactivates the cannon's firing animation, but a beam still fires from where the barrel of the cannon would be if it were active. ) 2. Use 'vr none' to disable. 1, sunbeam gets blown up, and you rescue yourself. vsync: vsync: This command enables or disables (toggles) VSync (a graphics setting which syncs your FPS to the refresh rate of your monitor). It's also possible they'll come in for the landing anyway, but the gun will magically start back up to shoot it down anyway. No, I don't think you can save the Sunbeam. 2. WTF?i think it should turn out that the pilot was increadbly bad at landing and crashes the ship anyways then the shipwreak chould be looted for rare itemshey guys so i was just thinking, has anyone tried to get cured and disable the big gun on enofrcement platform before recieving the sunbeam call? im in the process of this atm, saving my game before answering the radio every time, so i dont get visited by sunnbeam by surprise. #2. Is there a way to disable the facility (gun). go back the aroura with this door code to get the blueprints to build an escape rocket" (Which you need to disable the gun before it is allowed to launch). I'm cured by a cheat, and I wanted to see what happens if you cure yourself before Sunbeam or whatever the space ship is that comes and ends up getting blown up by the gun. i think it should turn out that the pilot was increadbly bad at landing and crashes the ship anyways then the shipwreak chould be looted for rare itemsi think it should turn out that the pilot was increadbly bad at landing and crashes the ship anyways then the shipwreak chould be looted for rare itemsi think it should turn out that the pilot was increadbly bad at landing and crashes the ship anyways then the shipwreak chould be looted for rare itemsSo, I got cured, deactivated the gun, when help finally came from sunbeam, it still fired on them. vr: vr [mode] This command can be used to enter (or exit) VR mode in Subnautica. Mash your radio (save, quit, and reload makes the new radio messages in your backlog faster. It is fully possible to disable the gun in the time it takes for the sunbeam to spawn in, granted it is heavily based on dumb luck and random generation being on your. I was able to do my first attempt to shut down the gun before Sunbeam arrived, activated the button, then got told "infected can't disable the defense. I doubt the devs would allow such a broken. As of now, the gun will still fire and destroy the sunbeam. Subnautica > General Gameplay Discussion > Topic Details. Rebreather. So is the sunbeams life over if you fail the timer or can it actualy be turned off so your rescued. So, I got cured, deactivated the gun, when help finally came from sunbeam, it still fired on them. hey guys so i was just thinking, has anyone tried to get cured and disable the big gun on enofrcement platform before recieving the sunbeam call? im in the process of this atm, saving my game before answering the radio every time, so i dont get visited by sunnbeam by surprise. Some everything I’ve seen/experienced there is no way to achieve all of this before Sunbeam’s arrival without the use of some cheats. This will disable the gun. Does anyone know of a way to either trigger the event or disable the clock? Cheers. What happens? Just so I don't waste my time lol CremePuffBandit • 3 yr. Subnautica. ECF-Volgrim • 3. i know it doesn't matter if i disable the gun, i read that the ship won't come over "too much orbital debris" but i was wondering if its worth me trying to get it in time (my timer has started which i didn't know it would or even know about) i got like 40mins to get to the "Primary Containment Facility" i did it earlier but me being an idiot i left my purples tablets so i. Well unlike those complaining about spoilers, [Hover over for spoiler] (/s I'll say that in order to advance in the story you kind of have to go over there, so. These commands can be used for debugging purposes, to view partially-implemented content, or simply for player enjoyment.